
(Pediatric Dentistry)

Optimum Dental Pedodonti Çocuk Diş Hekimi Aydın

Pediatric Dentistry is a department that aims to protect the health of primary and permanent teeth of 0-18 age group children and to treat the diseases that occur. Pedodontics is a word of Latin origin and means ‘children’s teeth’.

All necessary treatments for children to have a healthy mouth and teeth are applied by pedodontists (pediatric dentists). Especially in the dental treatments of young children, children with long treatment periods and disabled children, sedation treatment is performed.

The health of the mouth and teeth of children can be ensured by a regular dentist check every 6 months. During these controls, all kinds of problems that threaten oral and dental health can be detected. The important thing is the early diagnosis of these problems that threaten the oral and dental health of children and the timely implementation of the necessary treatments.

Early recognition of oral and dental problems in pediatric patients positively affects the emotional and physical development of children.

In patients in younger age groups; In the first examination, communication is established with both the child and the child’s parents. After meeting, the medical and dental history of the child patient is taken. Afterwards, clinical and, if necessary, radiographic examination is performed. After all these stages, the patient and his family are informed about the diagnosis and treatment of the patient’s problems. Pedodontists are the first dentists that children meet. They apply various methods to protect primary teeth and permanent teeth from oral diseases such as caries and periodontal diseases.

In addition to all these, Pedodontists (Pediatric Dentists) are dentists who specialize in child psychology and child development as well as dentistry. Pedodontists receive the title of “Pediatric Dentistry Specialist” by completing at least 4 years of doctoral education after five years of dentistry education.

It is of great benefit for children to start their dental treatment with pedodontists

AYDIN OPTIMUM DENTAL Pedodontist Pediatric Dentist​

Primary Teeth

Why Are Primary Teeth Important?

Baby teeth begin to erupt when the baby is 6-8 months old, their eruption is completed at 2-2.5 years old, and they stay in the mouth until 10-12 years old. There are a total of 20 primary teeth in the mouth, 10 of which are in the lower and upper jaws. Since this period is the most active period of the child’s growth and development, primary teeth play a major role in the healthy nutrition of the child. They are necessary for chewing, nutrition and, accordingly, growth and development. In addition, in this period, children must learn to speak correctly and their primary teeth must be healthy for the development of the jaw and face. In addition to their duties as primary teeth, they also provide eruption guidance for permanent teeth that will come from below. For this reason, there are points that parents should pay attention to in order to protect the health of these teeth after their children’s first teeth begin to erupt.

Pedodontist Aydın

AYDIN OPTIMUM DENTAL Pedodontist Pediatric Dentist​

Tooth Decay

What is tooth decay?

Tooth decay is a disease caused by bacteria living in the oral environment. These bacteria; When regular tooth brushing is not done, acid is produced by using food residues accumulated on the tooth surface. These acids dissolve the tooth surface and cause tooth tissue loss called caries.

Tooth decay is the most common disease in the world and progresses rapidly. If dental caries is not treated, it causes infection in the teeth and surrounding tissues, and also has negative effects on general body health.

It should not be forgotten; tooth decay is a preventable disease. The way to be an individual with healthy mouth and teeth is to lay the foundations on this issue in childhood.

Here are 6 magic formulas for the protection of oral and dental health in childhood:

  • Education of parents,
  • Establishing a good oral-dental cleaning habit,
  • Conscious nutrition,
  • Regular dental check-up
  • Protective applications such as fissure sealant and fluoride.

Aydın Pediatric Dentist

What to do when primary teeth decay? What happens if primary teeth are not treated?

Since decayed tissues contain a large amount of microorganisms, the presence of decayed teeth in the child’s mouth causes an environment open to continuous infection. In cases where the caries is not treated, problems such as pain and inability to eat and bad breath occur in children due to its progression. In cases where the caries progresses, serious infections such as tooth abscess and facial swelling may occur, and the general health of the child may be adversely affected.

When primary teeth decay, they should be treated to prevent their early loss. Since primary teeth are in the mouth during the most active period of the individual’s growth and development, it is very important for a healthy diet and accordingly a healthy growth and development. In cases where they are lost early, the child’s nutrition will be adversely affected since they cannot fully chew. In addition to this, since primary teeth are of great importance in the correct learning of speech, problems may occur in the child’s speech if they are lost early. In addition, since the primary teeth guide the permanent teeth from below, shifts occur in the teeth in their early loss and orthodontic problems – crowding occur. In addition, their aesthetic deficiencies can cause psychological problems in children.

Aydın Pediatric Dentist

AYDIN OPTIMUM DENTAL Pedodontist Pediatric Dentist

Brushing Teeth

When should children start brushing their teeth?

With the appearance of the first tooth in the mouth (approximately 6 months old), children are at risk of caries. For this reason, parents should start cleaning their children’s teeth during this period, as soon as the first tooth erupts.

Primary teeth are less resistant to caries due to their low mineral content. For this reason, primary teeth decay develop faster. Although feeding of babies is very frequent during this period, cleaning done twice a day is important in preventing caries formation.

Pedodontist Aydın

AYDIN OPTİMUM DENTAL Pedodontist Pediatric Dentist​

Pediatric Dentist

What is the sedation application and under what conditions and to whom is it applied?

In some children, the fear of the dentist cannot be renewed despite all the professional approaches of the physician. In these cases, forcibly intervening in the child’s dental caries causes the fear of the dentist to reach insurmountable dimensions in the child. In addition, the treatments performed in this way cannot be done with the desired quality. In addition, the absence of treatment causes the progression of caries and serious damage to the oral and dental health of the child.

Dental treatments can be performed by putting the patient to sleep with the sedation method in the treatment of children whose fear of the dentist cannot be overcome, in the treatment of disabled children and adults, and even in adult patients who cannot overcome the fear of the dentist or who have serious systemic disorders such as high blood pressure.

The sedation method allows the patient to be treated with various drugs administered intravenously and, depending on the dose of the drug, while the patient is awake but calm or completely asleep. However, this procedure should definitely be performed by an experienced dentist together with an anesthesiologist and an experienced team. Likewise, it is important to have all the necessary equipment ready in the environment where this process will be performed.

Aydın Pediatric Dentist

AYDIN OPTIMUM DENTAL Pedodontist Pediatric Dentist​

What is it?

What is fissure sealant (tooth polish)?

Dental polish; It is a kind of fluid filling material that covers the chewing surfaces of the erupting teeth. This material, which is applied to the tooth without any abrasion on the tooth, covers the chewing surface of the tooth and prevents the accumulation of food residues and caries formation in this area. Especially newly erupted permanent teeth are more sensitive to caries since their mineralization is not completed. Therefore, it should be applied especially to these teeth.

Aydın Pediatric Dentist

What is fluoride, how can I be sure my child is getting enough fluoride?

Fluor; It is a trace element found in air, water and rocks. It has a protective effect on the teeth and increases the resistance of the teeth to caries, so it is placed in toothpastes in small amounts. Professional applications, where the amount of fluor and its anti-caries effect are higher, are applied by your dentist in the form of fluor polish or fluor gel at intervals of 3-6-12 months in the office environment. However, your dentist should decide on the frequency of these fluoride applications and which type of application to choose, by preparing a special program for your child.

Aydın Pediatric Dentist

What is a Space maintainence?

When primary teeth are lost early, adjacent teeth slide into the extraction space. As a result of the narrowing of the extraction space, the permanent tooth that will grow in this region in the future remains impacted or the teeth become crowded. In order to prevent these crowding, the place of the prematurely lost primary tooth must be preserved for the permanent tooth that will come from below. For this purpose, appliances with movable and fixed types and called space maintainence are used.

Aydın Pediatric Dentist


Hygiene and Health

As part of the fight against Corona Virus, the common areas of Aydın Optimum Dental Oral and Dental Health Center are regularly disinfected.

Computer Imaging

Aydın Optimum Dental Oral and Dental Health Center follows all the developments in the sector and uses latest technology opportunities in diagnosis and dental treatments .


Dental treatments with sedation gives an opportunity of treating more than one tooth at the same session, with an advantage of comfortable and stress-free treatment for adults and children with dentistry phobia. In addition, it provides a comfortable working environment for your dentist as it eliminates the sudden movements of the patients and the feeling of nausea.

Operating Room with Latest Technology

In our full-fledged operating room, implant and other dental surgeries are performed under sedation and general anesthesia in children and adults who are afraid of dentists, who are mentally and/or physically disabled, who have sendroms and gag reflex.