

Pedodontist (Pediatric Dentist)


Specialist in Prosthetic and Cosmetic Dentistry


DDS, PhD, Nihan EMİR


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hasan Onur ŞİMŞEK

Oral and Dental Surgeon



Specialist in Endodontics

Aydın Optimum Dental Oral and Dental Health Center

Treatment with Sedation

At our Aydın Optimum Dental Oral and Dental Health Center, dental treatment with sedation under the control of our Anesthesiologist is a method that you can safely apply. In addition, treatments with sedation offer a very comfortable and comfortable treatment for adults with high phobia and children in the younger age group. For this reason, in the patients needed, in the fully equipped operating room of our Aydın Optimum Dental Oral and Dental Health Center, the Anesthesiologist and the Dentist together put the patient to sleep with the sedation method and complete the dental treatment. In addition, the difference between sedation and general anesthesia is that the patient’s breathing continues normally, regardless of the machine. Also, no pain/pain is felt during the procedure. For example, in pediatric patients with a lot of dental caries, dental treatments can usually be done in the same session. As can be seen, this also provides benefits for the child’s psychology and fear of the dentist. In addition, all kinds of dental treatments such as tooth extraction, filling, root canal treatment and implant can be performed with sedation. In addition, the specialist dentist decides which type of anesthesia is more suitable for the patient, after the examination, according to the type of treatment and the duration of the procedure.

Multiple Dental Treatment

Application in Children and Adults

Fearless Treatment

Painless and Painless Treatment